@etxrnaljeon / (Alice)
Hii welcome to my carrd!! I'd like to my introduce myself. My name is Stephanie (Alice is my baptism name actually) and of course I'm a BTS ARMY since May 2018, tbh the first time I saw their mv was during their I NEED U era but yk I was just an 11 y/o girl know nothing about Kpop or BTS, and then slowly getting into them when I turned 13 (please I regretted so much for not stanning them earlier ') plus I was in the Instagram army community for months which is kinda embarrassing cuz yaaa I really got no jams at that time lmao) Okay back to the topic, I'm currently 17. I'm a female and I'm fine with any pronounce preferably using she/her. I don't tolerate with any kind of racism, bullying, transphobia, homophobia and Islamophobia so one thing I'm gonna say is, if you support any of this act I suggest you to stay away from me. Thank you for your understanding.
English is not my first language but I mainly speak in English, Malay and Bidayuh. The other languages that I don't usually use includes Mandarin, Cantonese Hokkien and Iban but I still can communicate well using them hehe ^^ Also I'm currently learning Korean and Japanese as well since I'm interested in learning them yk hopefully I can understand my boys without using any translator in the future ðŸ˜
I was born and raised in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
I'm multiracial who has a diverse ethnic heritage. I am 75% Bidayuh (Land Dayak) which is one of the major ethnic groups in Sarawak and is 25% Chinese
I used to play piano for like 9 years i guess? Yeah I was a kid that loves piano so much but then I stopped playing them due to some personal reasons (yeah whenever I listen to Yoongi's 'First Love' I cried alot hehe) Oh! and I was a ballet dancer as well. I learned it for almost 5 years but yk ballet is not easy and I struggled alot, it was hard for me to keep going so I've decided to quit it as well (sadly) and joined a hiphop/popping groove style dance class recently, continue doing what I love.
I don't really engage in fanwars but if you drag any of ma boiiiss, I won't hesitate to come to your neck so yeah hehe y'all stay safe
Tw //
Please understand that I'm an introvert (INFP) and I have severe social anxiety, also please note that I have OCD as well, both Trichotillomania and Dermatillomania (Excoriation Disorder) describe body-focused repetitive behaviors that harm the self so some of the topics might be triggering for me :( especially if any of my irls mention anything related to my 2014 - 2017 life. It was truly the darkest time of my life.
So now you know why I'm really into BTS because they're the main reason I'm still here fighting for my life which I really glad that I found them when I'm at my lowest :)